December 12th, 2012 Acoustic Insulation
-A study completed in 2005, the TNS Global Noise Reduction Market Understanding Study, revealed that 78% of homeowners are bothered by noise in their homes. Insulation is needed not only to prevent loss of cool or warm air from building interiors, but it also is used as an acoustic insulation. Brisbane homeowners benefit from using Bradford insulation products, including their acoustic insulation, by reducing energy costs and nuisance noise “bleeds” inside their homes.
If you live in the Brisbane region you are familiar with the temperature swings in our area. It’s not unusual to experience summer days well over 35C, but you may remember a few years ago when the July temperature dropped to 0C. This drastic temperature change caused many a homeowner to evaluate their home insulation.
Insulation is critical to keeping your home comfortable, but using an acoustic insulation product can help minimize internal noises in a home.
Acoustic insulation is applied to the walls and mid-floors of a building. If you are retrofitting a home interior, this is an ideal time to apply Bradford Soundscreen to the internal walls. Bradford New Generation Soundscreen is used on the external side of a wall so it is usually installed during the construction of a building. If you want to prevent noise from and upper floor penetrating to the lower levels then use our Bradford New Generation Soundscreen for mid-floors. Use acoustic insulation in your Brisbane home to keep noises where they belong.
Austral Insulation "Supply Only” of all types of insulation. For your “Installation” needs, please contact Bradford Insulation 1300 760 233